Ultrasint® PP 1400 Black
Advanced Polypropylene Powder for a Wide Range of Innovative Applications
Ultrasint® PP 1400 Black harnesses the properties of polyolefins for Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) technologies while enabling PP for alternative laser systems (e.g. diode or fiber lasers). An easy-to-print PP with a unique isotropic behavior maintains the typical PP benefits, like its high chemical resistance or recyclability possibilities.
Material Details
This multi-purpose material is designed to enable PPs for standard CO2 lasers and new laser systems, like a diode or fiber lasers while assuring a very easy and stable process on any PBF equipment. It delivers the well-known characteristics of polypropylene, such as excellent chemical resistance, ductility, and media tightness, without losing its rigidity and with isotropic results giving the end customer more freedom while printing. The new Ultrasint® PP 1400 Black is also a strong ally for sustainability since it has a refresh rate of 40 % and well-documented studies about the recyclability of PP end parts.
Sustainability Check
Lifecycle assessment available
Carbon compensation offered
Generally recyclable
Benefits at a Glance
- Also suitable for desktop machines
- Easy to print
- Isotropic behavior including in E@B
- Extremely high rigidity
- Excellent chemical resistance
- Sustainable - Low density & Recyclability
- Weldability with other PP parts
- Easy finishing incl. smoothing, Ultracur3D® UV Adhesion Promoter
- Color: black
Example Applications
- Automotive (fluid systems, pipings, housing)
- Economic and functional prototypes
- Multi-purpose industrial goods
- Pharma/laboratories – (custom chemical tools)
- Insoles
Material Properties
- Tensile strength: 29 MPa
- Flexural modulus: 1350 MPa
- Elongation at break: 25 %
- Charpy impact unnotched: 34 kJ/m²
- HDT B (0.45 MPa, dry): 131 °C
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Ultrasint® PP Product Range materials
HP 3D High Reusability PP enabled by Forward AM
Fully functional polypropylene for use on HP JF5200 series printers
Benefits at a Glance
- Genuine PP material
- Functional performance
- Appealing cost per part