Interviews with 3D Printing Services #5

LAYERbyLAYER X rpm rapid product manufacturingA Conversation with the CTO Jörg Gerken

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Welcome to LAYERbyLAYER: Interviews with 3D Printing Services, a unique series brought to you by BASF Forward AM. Through this collection, we dive into the stories of Digital Manufacturing Pioneers who are reshaping the industry with their innovative 3D printing services. These leaders have not only embraced additive manufacturing as a core element of their business but have also chosen BASF Forward AM as a trusted partner in materials and solutions. Each interview seeks to uncover the motivations, challenges, and triumphs behind their decision to pioneer in the 3D printing space, offering inspiration to others in the field.

Join us as we explore these narratives, layer by layer, to better understand the evolving landscape of digital manufacturing and the visionaries driving its future.

Interview #5: Meet Jörg Gerken, CTO of rpm rapid product manufacturing GmbH, founded to fill a growing need for reliable additive manufacturing production partners. Over the years, they have added 11 other technologies, each driven by the request from customers for plastic parts, produced, with technical excellence.

Getting to Know Jörg Gerken

Marco: Let’s start from the beginning. Tell us a bit about your background and what brought you to open your own 3D printing service?

Jörg: “With a background in mechanical engineering from TU Hannover and a PhD in metal-based additive manufacturing from the Laser Zentrum Hannover, I co-founded rpm in 1997 with my colleague and friend Dr. Klaus Kreutzburg. Together, we established SLS (selective laser sintering) technology in the market for fast and resilient plastic prototypes, earning us a place among the pioneers of 3D printing. We chose the path to additive manufacturing because we were, and still are, excited about the many ways these technologies can solve our customers’ challenges. Our deep expertise and passion for additive manufacturing drive us to solve complex challenges and turn our customer ideas into reality. We are delighted to finally see our vision of AM series production from over 25 years ago become a reality.

An Introduction to rpm GmbH

Marco: Can you tell us a bit about your 3D printing service? What makes it stand out in the industry, and are there specific sectors you primarily focus on?

Jörg: “At rpm, our 3D printing service is rooted in over 25 years of experience and passion for innovation. We specialize in SLS, DLS and DLP technology to produce fast, durable, and precise parts, particularly in series production. Our extensive background in mechanical engineering and continuous investment in cutting-edge technology ensures we deliver top-notch quality and cutting-edge solutions.

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. We don’t just create parts, we provide comprehensive solutions tailored to the customers unique needs. From rapid prototyping to series production, we leverage our expertise to help our customers to achieve their vision with precision and speed. We offer a wide range of materials and technologies to provide our customers with the best solution for their challenges. In order to achieve this, we have invested in open systems that allow us to use different materials.

We primarily focus on sectors such as automotive, medical devices, and consumer goods, where precision and durability are paramount. However, our versatile technology allows us to cater to a wide range of industries. When you choose rpm, you’re partnering with a team dedicated to turning your innovative ideas into reality with the highest standards of quality and reliability. Let us help you bring your next project to life and experience the future of manufacturing today.”

“We offer a wide range of materials and technologies to provide our customers with the best solution for their challenges.”

rpm is expanding its digital factory, enhancing our expertise in series production. Advances in technology and materials have broadened applications for additive manufacturing, especially in our SLS, DLS and DLP units. rpm is uniquely positioned to seize these opportunities.

Discovery of BASF Forward AM

Marco: Moving onto our partnership, how did you first come across BASF Forward AM, and what motivated you to become a partner?

Jörg: “Our first encounter with BASF Forward AM was driven by a customer request that sent us on a mission. One of our clients needed polypropylene (PP) for selective laser sintering, a material that was not widely available. Determined to find the best solution, we sourced the market and discovered BASF Forward AM.

What made us decide to partner with BASF Forward AM was more than just their ability to supply the PP we needed. It was their reputation for innovation, quality, and a collaborative spirit that matched our own. They didn’t just offer a product, they offered their expertise, support, and a commitment to find the best solution for the customer, which aligns perfectly with our philosophy.

Partnering with BASF Forward AM allowed us to meet our customer’s needs and exceed their expectations. Their advanced materials and technical support have enabled us to deliver even more innovative solutions to our clients. This partnership is built on shared values and a mutual passion for advancing 3D printing technology. We’re thrilled to work with BASF Forward AM and excited about the future possibilities this close partnership brings.”

Deep Dive into BASF Forward AM's Ultrasint® TPU 88A and PA11 CF

Marco: Let’s talk about our PA11 CF and TPU 88A for your SLS 3D Printers. How have they benefited your operations, and what has your experience been with the quality and performance of these products?

Jörg: “These materials have significantly elevated our capabilities and offerings. The future of additive manufacturing with these materials lies in series production.

PA11 CF has become a game-changer for us. Its superior mechanical properties, including high tensile strength, have allowed us to produce parts that are not only robust but also lightweight due to the high strength-to-weight ratio. This has been particularly beneficial for our clients in the automotive and sport sectors, where performance and reliability are paramount. Additionally, PA11’s bio-based origins align with our commitment to sustainability, adding an extra layer of value for our environmentally conscious customers.

TPU 88A, on the other hand, has opened up a world of possibilities with its exceptional flexibility and durability. This material is perfect for applications requiring elastic properties, such as sports equipment and orthopedic technology. Its resilience and ability to maintain performance under stress have impressed both us and our clients, making it a go-to material for challenging projects.

The quality and performance of BASF Forward AM’s materials have consistently exceeded our expectations. Their PA11 CF and TPU 88A not only meet the high standards we set for our products but also push the envelope, allowing us to innovate and deliver superior solutions. The consistent, reliable results we achieve with these materials have helped us build stronger relationships with our clients, who trust us to deliver cutting-edge, high-performance parts.

In short, BASF Forward AM’s PA11 CF and TPU 88A have been instrumental in enhancing our business. They provide us with the tools to create advanced, reliable, and sustainable solutions that meet and exceed the demands of our diverse customers. Our partnership with BASF Forward AM has truly empowered us to push the boundaries of what’s possible in SLS 3D printing.

“In short, BASF Forward AM’s PA11 CF and TPU 88A have been instrumental in enhancing our business. They provide us with the tools to create advanced, reliable, and sustainable solutions that meet and exceed the demands of our diverse customers.

In close cooperation, Forward AM, rpm, and Canyon employed the full potential of 3D printing – Virtual Engineering combined with the precise material needed to realize the design – and harnessed the possibilities of 3D printing to the fullest resulting in one of the lightest bike computer mounts available on the market.

Applications of TPU and PA11

Marco: In which applications do you find our materials to be most advantageous, and which specific uses can benefit the most from this material?

Jörg: “One notable application is the Canyon bike computer mount. We have sold 18,000 mounts until today, with a four-month time to market. The mounts, made from PA11 CF, printed on our Farsoon HT403P, depowdered by the S1 from AMSolutions and vapor smoothed using the SF100 from AMT PostPro, weigh just 17 grams and offer exceptional durability and performance.

Another standout application is a custom shoe insole made from TPU 88A black, designed to correct foot problems. This material provides a lightweight and personalized solution for the customers of Paul Hast GmbH with their 4Point insole.

The specific properties of PA11 CF and TPU 88A black have significantly enhanced these products, offering clear advantages in terms of durability and performance. Our customers benefit from these high-quality, innovative solutions tailored to their precise needs.“

Marco: Could you share your experiences with any of the specialized services and solutions you utilize? How do these services support your efforts in improving customer satisfaction?

Jörg: We utilize the BASF Forward AM’s Ultrasim® 3D Lattice Library to streamline our development of lattice structures, enhancing our ability to innovate rapidly. This advanced tool eliminates multiple iteration cycles, accelerating our design process and enabling us to deliver optimized solutions swiftly. By integrating this specialized service, we not only enhance efficiency but also elevate customer satisfaction by consistently delivering high-quality, finely tuned products that meet and exceed expectations. This approach underscores our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s achievable in additive manufacturing, ensuring our clients receive the best solutions in the shortest timeframes possible.“

We have sold 18,000 mounts until today, with a four-month time to market. The mounts, made from PA11 CF, printed on our Farsoon HT403P, depowdered by the S1 from AMSolutions and vapor smoothed using the SF100 from AMT PostPro, weigh just 17 grams and offer exceptional durability and performance.

Paul Hast GmbH with over 100 years of experience, they blend traditional craftsmanship with the latest technology and present their newest 3D-printed “4Point” insoles. In collaboration with BASF Forward AM and rpm, the company has realized its vision of perfectly fitting yet lightweight insoles.

A light wrap up!

Marco: To end on a fun note, what’s the strangest or most unusual request you’ve ever received for a 3D printing job?

Jörg: “To end on a humorous note, one of the unusual requests we’ve handled was an art project that tasked us with sintering an endless plastic filament to weave into a cloud or sphere shape. Let’s just say, unpacking and depowdering that component turned into quite an adventurous endeavor! It was a delightful reminder of the endless creativity and unique challenges that come with the world of 3D printing.

Thank you, Jörg!

Author: Marco Mattia Cristofori - Senior Product Marketing Manager at BASF Forward AM

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